Protein Quantification
- dia-PASEF
- N15 & O18
- Label Free Quantitation
N15 and O18 isotope labeling is very similar to SILAC with the exception that for cellular protein labeling oxygen or nitrogen isotopes are feed into the system. After a number of cell divisions, each instance of this particular element will be replaced by its isotope version. At this point proteins are extracted and digested with a protease. The 2 samples are then mixed and are subjected to LC-MSMS analysis to identify the peptide sequences. Since the peptides originating from 2 different samples are identical in all regards with the exception of their masses, their masses are used to quantify these peptides in the sample.
The facility is supported by the NIH shared instrumentation grant numbers
S10 OD016234 (Synapt-HDX-MS) and S10 OD021724 (LUMOS Orbi-Trap).
Please reference these grant numbers for publications resulting from data obtained from these instrumentations.
Funds from Moores Cancer Center of UC San Diego