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Supported By

The facility is supported by the NIH shared instrumentation grant numbers

S10 OD016234 (Synapt-HDX-MS) and  S10 OD021724 (LUMOS Orbi-Trap).

Please reference these grant numbers for publications resulting from data obtained from these instrumentations.

Funds from Moores Cancer Center of UC San Diego



New Instrumentation

"Bruker Single Cell proteomics mass spectrometer: SCP TIMS-TOF" coupled with hight throughput UPLC Evosep One, One the most sensitive and advanced mass spectrometers for sample limited experiments"

Facility Personnel

Majid Ghassemian

Director, BPMSF Facility

Majid Ghassemian
Has been conducting research in the field of genomic/proteomics sciences for the past 24 years.

Elizabeth Komives

Faculty Oversight

Elizabeth Komives
Is focused on understanding the parameters that govern protein-protein interactions mediated by non-globular proteins.


Director, HDX Facility

Steve Silletti

Has spent over 20 years studying gene expression and protein biochemistry, primarily in reference to cancer, angiogenesis and the immune system. 


  • DIA-PASEF protein quantification.
  • Global Phosphorylation Analysis "Phospho-proteome".
  • Global "BioID" for the identification of in vivo protein-protein interactions.

TMT10 TMT16 TMT18 pricing

TMT service TMT10 TMT16 TMT18
University of California  (UC) users $4,000 $5,000 $5,300
Non-UC (other academic or private sector) $5,800 $7,250 $7,685


Each TMT service will include sample digestion (from cell pellet or lysate or homogenized tissue) and peptide purification for 10, 16 or 18 samples depending on the TMT service. Once each sample is TMT labelled they are pooled and fractionated using high pH reverse phase fractionation kit (Thermo) into 8 unique fractions. Each fraction is then analyzed using 120 min LC-MS2 on LUMOS Orbitrap FAIMS mass spectrometer. The data from 8 fractions will be searched as a pool using Peaks software for protein quantification analysis.

Online sample submission & price quote request

Supported By

The facility is supported by the NIH shared instrumentation grant numbers

S10 OD016234 (Synapt-HDX-MS) and  S10 OD021724 (LUMOS Orbi-Trap).

Please reference these grant numbers for publications resulting from data obtained from these instrumentations.

Funds from Moores Cancer Center of UC San Diego